The best website for PS4 lovers.

Ps4 sold 10 million and Xbox one 5 million worldwide.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014
According to Jim Ryan, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, the PlayStation 4 has now sold over 10 million consoles worldwide. Ryan told that this was actual sales to customers,and that puts it well ahead of the Xbox One on around 5 million. 10 million sales in just nine months is impressive, with Sony claiming it...
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Firmware update 2.0 for the PS4

Wednesday, 13 August 2014
In recent Gamescom press conference Sony has announced upcoming software update 2.0 for the PS4 which will bring the PlayStation Now "Share Play" feature that lets your friends join from anywhere to play together even if they don't own the game you're playing, and video uploads directly to YouTube along with a native app for the service....
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PS4 is not 3D enabled

Tuesday, 12 August 2014
The PS4 system can support 3D gameplay but still no launch titles are currently 3D compatible. 3D Blu-ray movies are playable on the PS4 if you have system software 1.75 or higher. What are your views? share here!! ...
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Troubleshooting CE-34878-0 error on PS4

Wednesday, 6 August 2014
While playing most of the games on PS4 we get this error message while game stops responding and system crashes. Here are some tips which might help you all to play games without his error and be a proud PS4 owner. Delete your game on which this error message was shown and reinstall it. Delete your saved game data which might have been...
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#ShareFactory is great when shared

Wednesday, 6 August 2014
The Share Factory feature in PS4 is a great feature what everyone wants to use. This feature allows gamer to share their best gaming video and experiences with friends and family around while playing their favourite games on PS4. If you have done something great in any game then share with us right here. We will be glad to feature your...
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Apps for PS4

Wednesday, 6 August 2014
There are many apps available for Europe and USA. Here are some apps which can be downloaded on PS4 and maybe more apps will be available to customers in near future which will be updated as soon as it gets available on store. Music Unlimited (UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Finland,    ...
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Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is really tasty.

Monday, 4 August 2014
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is a remake of  'Oddworld: Abes Oddysee'. It is being made by 'Just Add Water'. The original game came out on PSX in 1997. You play as Abe, one of the mudokon employees who has been enslaved by the glukons. He is being forced to work inside the meat factory. One night, whilst Abe is cleaning, he discovers that...
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8 features to improve PS4

Monday, 4 August 2014
PS4 is no doubt a next gen console and a better console in hardware that other consoles right now. PS4 has some great capabilities that differ it to from other consoles but still we need some more improvement from Sony to make a PS4 a next gen console for real. Here are the points that should have been considered or it should be included...
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Bloodborne PS4 Release as Exclusive PS4 Title in Early 2015

Sunday, 3 August 2014
Bloodborne coming exclusively to the Playstation 4 this coming 2015. The game is developed by From Software and published by SCE Japan Studio. The game was announced June 9, 2014 during Sony's Conference at the E3 via a reveal trailer. more details at:
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Now download game while playing it

Sunday, 3 August 2014
Yes it is true... Now ps4 games can be downloaded from ps store while playing it too. These technology will help gamers in playing the game and downloading it too side by side without waiting hours for it to complete the download process. This feature is not available on other consoles and this will make it different from other console...
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No man's sky on PS4

Saturday, 2 August 2014
No Man's Sky is an upcoming science fiction game developed and published by Hello Games. It will feature a open universe with the player being free to explore and upgrade their ship. Announced at VGX 2013 alongside a trailer, the game is seen to feature planetary exploration, deep oceans, space-based battles, and potential predators on...
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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Ps4 sold 10 million and Xbox one 5 million worldwide.

According to Jim Ryan, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, the PlayStation 4 has now sold over 10 million consoles worldwide. Ryan told that this was actual sales to customers,and that puts it well ahead of the Xbox One on around 5 million. 10 million sales in just nine months is impressive, with Sony claiming it is selling at a faster rate than any of its previous consoles. Most importantly the PlayStation 4 is still ahead in the US, with June sales figures showing that despite a price cut and the removal of Kinect the Xbox One is still lagging behind.

Firmware update 2.0 for the PS4

In recent Gamescom press conference Sony has announced upcoming software update 2.0 for the PS4 which will bring the PlayStation Now "Share Play" feature that lets your friends join from anywhere to play together even if they don't own the game you're playing, and video uploads directly to YouTube along with a native app for the service. It will add more features including "friend-of-friend" activity in the What's New section, instant access to friends and recently played broadcasts plus the ability to search by names. Sony says it has more to announce in the coming months.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

PS4 is not 3D enabled

The PS4 system can support 3D gameplay but still no launch titles are currently 3D compatible. 3D Blu-ray movies are playable on the PS4 if you have system software 1.75 or higher. What are your views? share here!!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Troubleshooting CE-34878-0 error on PS4

While playing most of the games on PS4 we get this error message while game stops responding and system crashes. Here are some tips which might help you all to play games without his error and be a proud PS4 owner.

  1. Delete your game on which this error message was shown and reinstall it.
  2. Delete your saved game data which might have been corrupted and it will run the game.
  3. Disconnect your PS4 console from internet and try to play the game again.
  4. Update your PS4 firmware to latest version and this might help.
  5. If problem persists then contact the buyer.
This error message was seen on many famous games like Battlefield-4, NFS, NBK-14, COD-GHOSTS, FIFA-14 etc. Which games you faced this error message problem? Comment here.

#ShareFactory is great when shared

The Share Factory feature in PS4 is a great feature what everyone wants to use. This feature allows gamer to share their best gaming video and experiences with friends and family around while playing their favourite games on PS4. If you have done something great in any game then share with us right here. We will be glad to feature your gaming video on our website.
                                     If you want to show how to win a trophy then share your youtube link right here and let the world enjoy your video.
The best video will show on front page of this website. So, dont wait buddies let the world watch your capabilities.
You can share your screenshots too if you want.

Apps for PS4

There are many apps available for Europe and USA. Here are some apps which can be downloaded on PS4 and maybe more apps will be available to customers in near future which will be updated as soon as it gets available on store.

  • Music Unlimited (UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Finland,          Sweden, Denmark, Australia and New Zealand)

  1. Video Unlimited (Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK)
  2. IGN (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, UK)
  3. BBC iPlayer (UK)
  4. VidZone (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK)
  5. Amazon/LOVEFiLM (Germany, UK)
  6. Netflix (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK)
  7. BBC Sports (UK)
  8. BBC News (UK)
  9. (Spain)
  10. Total Channel (Spain)
  11. Demand5 (UK)
  12. Maxdome (Germany, Austria)
  13. RTBF (Belgium)
  14. NOS Sports (Netherlands)
  15. Ximon (Belgium, Netherlands)
  16. Watchever (Germany)
  17. Viaplay (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden)


Monday, 4 August 2014

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is really tasty.

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is a remake of  'Oddworld: Abes Oddysee'. It is being made by 'Just Add Water'. The original game came out on PSX in 1997. You play as Abe, one of the mudokon employees who has been enslaved by the glukons. He is being forced to work inside the meat factory. One night, whilst Abe is cleaning, he discovers that his race is next on the menu after profits have been falling from other meat products.And those of you with Playstation Plus that buy the game within 2 weeks of its release. Abes quest to rescue his fellow 99 mudokons. Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty will be released on Wednesday 23rd July 2014 and will cost £17.99. You will receive your PS4 copy of Abe straight away, and a copy for PS3/PSVITA when they launch later in the year.

8 features to improve PS4

PS4 is no doubt a next gen console and a better console in hardware that other consoles right now. PS4 has some great capabilities that differ it to from other consoles but still we need some more improvement from Sony to make a PS4 a next gen console for real. Here are the points that should have been considered or it should be included now in the console for betterment:

  • There should be more online status options like watching movie, eating, listening music etc. rather than just online and offline showing options.
  • PS4 should have option to turn on/off the controller light.
  • An option to clean up demos from your library.
  • To delete all messages at once, rather then doing them all one at a time.
  • To bring back customizable themes like on PS3.
  • Would like to be able to see when friends were last online.
  • Youtube application.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Bloodborne PS4 Release as Exclusive PS4 Title in Early 2015

Bloodborne coming exclusively to the Playstation 4 this coming 2015. The game is developed by From Software and published by SCE Japan Studio. The game was announced June 9, 2014 during Sony's Conference at the E3 via a reveal trailer.
more details at:

Now download game while playing it

Yes it is true... Now ps4 games can be downloaded from ps store while playing it too. These technology will help gamers in playing the game and downloading it too side by side without waiting hours for it to complete the download process. This feature is not available on other consoles and this will make it different from other consoles. 

Saturday, 2 August 2014

No man's sky on PS4

No Man's Sky is an upcoming science fiction game developed and published by Hello Games. It will feature a open universe with the player being free to explore and upgrade their ship. Announced at VGX 2013 alongside a trailer, the game is seen to feature planetary exploration, deep oceans, space-based battles, and potential predators on the various procedurally-generated worlds. Each world has its own ecosystem with potentially unforgiving conditions, such as desert worlds with large carnivorous worms.Players are initially given an uncharted universe to explore, where information about any planet's characteristics and lifeforms may be shared and updated with others. The game will be a timed exclusive on the PlayStation 4, as highlighted during Sony's press event at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014.

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